Saturday 30 January 2016

Long Time No See...
 Hello again, so in today's post I thought I would give you a little update of what has been happening as I have been away for a little while now! I'm very sorry but hopefully this post will be the first of many to come in 2016!

So, last time we spoke I was in the middle of a mini series which I promised over Christmas. Well, we are all aware that that didn't exactly go to plan and I stopped after 2 posts which should of been 4.
I apologise for that, but the only excuse I have is that work, and life in general, got on top of me and my blog was no longer my main priority and it sounds harsh- but I forgot about it for a while.

However, after thinking about it for the past week, I really want to get started again. I think my main cause of absence was also that my motivation and creativity to think of new ideas had sunk, but fear not because I am full of ideas and hopes for new and better upcoming posts. 

So, I had a lovely Christmas break and I hope you all did too. I spent it with friends and family but the only drama was that we didn't eat until 4pm because our oven broke! Disaster aside, it was delicious and I will remember it forever.

The new year was seen in by our family... well, it wasn't actually seen in as we all went to bed early as our family is not one to normally stay up! I quite enjoy the idea of being asleep since last year though! This month has seen me celebrate my birthday of which was lovely and I was spoilt rotten with presents, a lovely tea, and a birthday (cheese)cake like no other!

I am certainly not the person to be the type of 'New Year, New You' hopeful and I certainly haven't been spending January as a 'cleanse' month. I just like to make my resolutions realistic and something which I feel I can actually achieve. My resolutions for last year were to take more photos, begin scrap booking and create a blog. I achieved all of these and none of them were exceptionally challenging and all of them were fun and worthwhile. I love my blog now and am so glad I started writing it. My scrapbook is a wonderful way of storing memories and I enjoy taking pictures more than I used to. 

This year's resolutions are a little different.
The first is to learn to drive. I have always wanted to and this year could see me fulfil this ambition. The second is a bit of a silly one, but it is too expand my fashion and perhaps follow the trends a bit more and be a bit more daring in the clothes I wear. I want to study a Fashion course later on in life, so I think this will be useful for me to become a more creative and edg-ier person! Other reolutions will come as the year progresses and hopefully I can acomplish them like last year.

I also hope that this year will see my blog truly blossom. I honestly love to see that I have had 2 views from Ireland or 10 from the USA and it amazes me that people from all over the world click on this little segment of the Internet, and hopefully like what they see.

So, I hope you enjoyed this little chatty catch up and I will honestly try my best with being punctual and consistent with my posts. I hope you all have had an amazing start to 2016 and I hope that this year, is the year of YOU (and the chatty mouse)! 

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