Saturday 7 May 2016

Summer 2016 WishList

So today's post is another chatty one but this time I wanted to share with you my wishlist for the upcoming summer of 2016.

So before I start, my summer wish list does not involve life-changing holidays or amazing festivals but instead I have focused more on the simplistic things as not all of us have that kind of summer!

1. Relax
Now this may sound like an obvious and standard thing to put on a wish list but I feel that this is something I really want to embrace this summer. Although last summer was probably the longest break I'll ever get, looking back, yes it was great, but I don't think I had any 'lazy days'. I think I felt like I wanted to do something worthwhile every day. However, this summer I want to lie in to 12 or just watch the TV all day. I want to just completely switch off from everything and think of nothing else than the moment I'm in. I also want to take advantage of simple things which I'm not as able to do whilst revising such as have a coffee with my parents or have a lie in without feeling guilty.

2. See an old friend
 Not seeing people as much as I used to is hard and I 100% miss them. Meeting up recently has been a bit of a struggle due to revision. I cannot wait until I can just say 'yes' without feeling guilty about missing revision. This means that I can fully enjoy myself too and enjoy and make the most out of their company.

3. See some new films
My friends and I have a long list of films we plan to see once all our exams are out the way. These include 'Finding Dory', 'The Secret Life of Pets', 'The BFG' and 'Ice Age 5'. I am excited to see them all and couldn't rank them for you as they all look amazing. It'll be nice to go to the cinema again as it has been a while since I've been due to (you guessed it) revision!

4. Visit Universities
I plan to go to University soon and that means that I have to start looking around for courses I want to do and universities I want to study at. This will be exciting as not only will I get to explore the different Universities, but also their surroundings and I can imagine a few nice days out will come as a result. I already have a few in mind I want to visit, but feel as if I want to look at as many as possible.

5. Sister's Graduation
This isn't really a wish as it is actually happening! My sister will be graduating from University in July and I cannot wait. I am very proud of her, although I do not show it enough, and feel that this will be a very special day for all of our family, including my Mum who will definitely shed a few tears!

6. Scrap-booking
This is something I keep meaning to start again but I just never seem to have the time at the moment. However, in the summer I want to return to my scrapbook and finish off last year and start this year as so much has happened which I fear I will forget if I do not scrapbook it. I love flicking back through some of my older scrapbooks and feel it would be a shame if I didn't finish my current one off.

And that sums up my brief summer wishlist for 2016! I'm sure I'll think of more things I want to do and let me know any plans or wishes you have for your summer below! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next week with another post! :)

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