Saturday 18 June 2016

Empty Products Spring 2016

So in this week's post, after my long absence, which I am truly sorry for, I thought I would share with you what products have been and gone in the last couple of weeks. 

So, to explain my absence hopefully won't be too long or complex. Basically, one word sums up the reason why- EXAMS! So lots of you have probably had them, like me, in the last few months and I hope you can understand why my blog has not been my main priority. So anyway, enough with the excuses, hopefully for now until the next lot, I can focus more on this blog. So here's the empty products I have been using in the past few weeks.

First up is something you may recognise if you have been here before. This is a mini of the Simple Kind To Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser. I bought this a few months ago, but have only started to use it in the last few weeks. I only a bought a mini as I didn't know how my skin was going to react but after finishing the bottle, I think my skin coped reasonably well. I have sensitive and blemish-prone skin which can sometimes freak out if I change my skincare even in the slightest. Although, this did cause a little bit of upset to my skin, the effect wasn't massive. However, I did notice that my skin was a lot softer after using this than my normal moisturiser. I'm not sure if I will be buying the full size yet, but definitely will when my skin becomes less sensitive and can cope with a wider range of products.

Sticking on the theme of moisturisers, I have also finished another one of my beloved La Roche-Posay Effaclar Mat Moisturisers. This stuff is brilliant. Not the cheapest and certainly doesn't last the longest but boy is it good. This helps with keeping shine at bay but doesn't leave you looking flat at all. However, after using the Simple Moisturiser for a while, this didn't give my skin as much moisture as the Simple one did. However, this is expected of a mattifying moisturiser so I can't complain too much! As this moisturiser isn't the cheapest and can run out quite quickly, I like to cut open the tube when it coming to the end of its life. Just because it doesn't come out the 'squeezy hole', doesn't mean there's none left. You'll be surprised as to how much is left inside and lasts at least another week.

Next, is another product from the Effaclar range and is their Purifying Foaming Gel. I love this stuff so much, hence why it has appeared on this blog more than once. This is a wonderful face wash and leaves my skin feeling super soft and clean. It also lasts a really really really long time so it is almost a rare occurrence that it ever runs out! I would highly recommend this face wash if you have oily and blemish prone skin. My skin isn't super-duper oily though so I do not know how effective it would be for other people, but I do know that the brand and range is highly looked upon for skincare.

Next up we come to body products that I have used up recently. Our family gets through a lot of shower gel, especially when my sister is home. So this size bottle, 750ml, didn't take us as long to get through as I thought! This is the Beauticology: Coconut & Lime Bath and Shower Crème. I remember that this was a lovely product to use and smelt delicious. It wasn't intensively moisturising but left my skin feeling clean- so what else can I ask for? The price was reasonable so will definitely consider buying it again in the future.

Here's another shower gel we have used recently- I told you we get through a lot! This is the Nivea Cashmere Caring Shower Cream. I think I preferred this one out of the two shower products in this post because it felt more moisturising and that it was actually beneficial to my skin. Also, the smell was nicer too. Again, this was reasonably priced and often products such as this are on offer so will definitely buy it again in the future.

Another shower gel I have used up recently is this from BeeKind and is a honey and lemongrass scented shower gel in a miniature size. This wasn't a fantastic or memorable shower gel but was pleasant and I would happily use it if I ever received it again. However, I don't think I'll go out of my way to find and purchase another one.

Sticking with the bath and shower theme, this is the Radox Lavender & Waterlily Bath Soak or in other words bubble bath. If you know me, and this blog, then you will know that I love lavender so when my parents bought this I couldn't wait to have my next bath. It may sound a bit sad of me but it's true! This was lovely and was great to have just before heading to bed. This would definitely be my bubble bath of choice!

So often when I come out of the bath or shower I like to apply a body butter to keep my skin extra soft. My all time favourite is the Soap & Glory The Righteous Butter. I love love love this and was genuinely gutted when it came to an end. It is super moisturising, and sinks in quickly and leave your skin feeling smooth and also smelling great. I will definitely be repurchasing this without question.

Next up for body products is a hand cream which I received as part of a set for my birthday. So yes, it has taken me a while to use this one up. This is the Baylis & Harding Moroccan Rose Hand Cream. These sets usually come out at around Christmas and I nearly always find myself receiving one. They are lovely but I would never go out of my way to find them and buy them myself. The story is the same for this hand cream- it was good but not amazing! I did really like the smell, but one thing I did notice was that it took an awful long time to sink into my hands which didn't make it a winner in my eyes! However, I will not be disappointed if I receive a similar gift set in the future as they all smell incredible!

I have also finished up another deodorant recently. I can go through deodorants quite quickly so I often have the chance to try new ones. As you can imagine, I have tried numerous but this brand has to be one of my favourites! This is the Mitchum Advanced Control Flower Fresh Anti-Perspirant & Deodorant. Firstly, I love the smell of this which is an important factor for me. The majority of the time this worked perfectly for me leaving me fresh all day, although on some days it just didn't seem to work as well as others. But can any deodorant actually keep you fresh all day every day without fail? I am yet to find that one! However, it is a brand I really like and trust so I can guarantee I will be purchasing another one in the future.

Now for one of my life-saver products I couldn't possibly live without! I love my Batiste Dry Shampoo and use it whenever my hair needs a bit of a refresh in between washes. Therefore, I didn't hesitate in buying the large size and I instantly bought another one on the same day that this one ran out! I love this for many reasons- a little goes a long way and can last a long time too. It is also great for adding a bit texture and grip to your hair for certain hairstyles, so is not just useful for when your hair is looking a bit greasy. I prefer the original scent but do not despise any of the other scents.

Finally, (I know, you're probably feeling a bit relieved!) I finished my favourite mascara the Rimmel London Extra 3D Lash Mascara. Although I say finished, technically it isn't and I sometimes still use it! It is finished in terms of it hardly has any product left and I have already bought a replacement. However, it technically isn't as I still use it occasionally when I want a natural eyelash look with lashes which aren't heavy with mascara. However, it is a great mascara empty or not and it has already made appearances on this blog before which just shows how much I love it!

And that concludes this long post of all the products I have used up recently. I hope you enjoyed it and it made up for my recent absences which again I apologise for. Thank you for reading and go and 'Like' my Facebook page so you'll never miss a new post! :)

I was unable to find links to the Beuticology shower gel and the Baylis & Harding hand cream.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

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