Saturday 25 June 2016

Dressing Table Tour

So this week's post is a little bit of a different one, but today I will be giving you a little tour of my dressing table. I hope you enjoy it and let me know if you enjoyed this style of post.

So before I start, I will try to list all the pieces of furniture at the end of this post and if I can, all the bits and bobs on my dressing table as well.

To begin, my dressing table is from B&Q and my parents bought it for me as a surprise when I was about 12 or 13. I was just starting to experiment with make up then and my bedroom was also being redecorated so it seemed like the perfect time to invest in one. It now sits in my newer and bigger bedroom, after my sister moved out for university. I have the option to change the arrangement of the furniture in my bedroom, including the bed and chest of drawers. However, I think that this is my favourite set up with the dressing table facing the window. Now this gives the best possible light but can be a bit too bright sometimes. It can make my make-up and skin appear worse than it actually is but in the morning it also acts as a worse case scenario so it doesn't bother me too much. I obviously go and check in other mirrors before I leave the house!

It is a plain white colour and also has a drawer and two shelves. It can get quite messy with make up and stuff but I clean it using cotton wool and nail polish remover and then polish. 

On the top, I have a new holder for all my make up brushes. This is a china hen pot which my grandma gave me and my sister recently after 12 years of forgetting to give them to us! They were supposed to be for when we were little so we could paint them ourselves but she just kept forgetting to give them to us! I love it so much and prefer the plain white colour as it goes more with the colours in my bedroom.

Next to the that, I have my mirror which I bought a few years ago from Argos. This is a great and simple mirror which can be tilted. It is a real simple piece of furniture but carries out its function perfectly so what's not to love!
I also have the majority of my earrings on my dressing table in a little glass jar which my Mum gave to me a few years ago also. I also keep more precious and everyday earrings in a little dish which I bought from Jersey on my summer holiday last year. I also always have a lip balm handy on my dressing table!

Next to that I have the majority of all of my make-up. I bought this make-up storage on Amazon a couple of years ago and honestly I wouldn't know how to store my make-up any other way! They are made from acrylic plastic and the top unit is actually separate to the bottom drawers but I just stack them on top of one another just to save space and I also think that they look better this way. They are great and surprisingly can fit a lot inside of them.

Next to those, I have a little glass dish which is from IKEA. I love IKEA so much and couldn't resist picking this up when I last redecorated my bedroom. I use this to store all of my bobbles and hairgrips as this way they don't seem to go missing as easily.
And finally on the top of my dressing table, I have a mini jar which just holds my cotton buds for when I make mistakes on my eyeliner (all the time!). I am unsure where this is from as I received for Christmas a few years ago.

Before we go on to what's inside my dressing table and on the shelves, the chair that I sit on at my dressing table is from IKEA and I remember that it was ridiculously cheap! It is really comfy but it doesn't actually fit in to gap in the dressing table because I forgot to measure it before I bought the chair! So it has to sit at a slant in order to slightly fit in! Whoops!

So the drawer of my dressing table isn't very deep at all and can be frustrating at times, however, I think I can now manage to fit everything in and can also get them out easily too.
So whilst it isn't the tidiest of drawers it does work. On the far right I have all of my brushes. Moving left, I then have a tin and tub of all my hair accessories such as scrunchies. Then, at the far left I have a plastic basket which I got from Lakeland. This holds all of my other make-up items which can't fit in the acrylic storage on the top of my dressing table. This includes all of my palettes and tools such as my eyelash curlers and my make up sponge. I also have in here make up pieces which I don't use that often such as a primer and some false eyelashes.

If you would like me to do a full make-up collection then leave me a comment below!

So that is all that pretty much fits into that drawer but the shelves also provide me with some extra storage.
On the shelves, the black boxes from IKEA really help to organise everything into almost categories. Right at the back on the top shelf, I have some random bits and bobs like spare make up sponges and travel bottles. The box on the left on the top shelf holds all of my deodorants and my body sprays. Next to that I have a large glass jar from the Original Factory Shop which holds all of my nail polishes, except some more I have still in their packaging which is on the far right of the top shelf. Then next to that glass jar, I have 2 boxes which hold all of my foot care products such as toe separators and creams.

On the bottom shelf, on the far left I have a make up palette which I received for Christmas a few years ago which I keep forgetting to use! Then next to that I have some more black boxes from IKEA which have all of my hair care products such as dry shampoo and heat defence sprays. Finally, on the right hand side of the bottom shelf I have another black box which holds my hairdryer in a drawstring bag I made and my straighteners.

So that sums up this tour of my dressing table. I hope you did enjoy and your feedback would be greatly appreciated in the comments below. Did you like this style of post?
Thanks for reading and I'll see you next week with another new post! :)

Items Mentioned:

Sorry the links aren't as helpful as they could be, but quite a lot of the contents of my dressing table and the dressing table itself are quite old as I now know myself too! :)

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