Saturday 2 July 2016

June into July

 So I was planning to do a monthly favourites post this week, but I thought that I had more to chat about this month as opposed to talking about some products.
So June was a pretty good month for me overall. So I think I shall start with the weather! I really hope it improves considering we are well into our summer now and things don't look too promising at the minute. We're not going away anywhere on holiday this year, abroad, so I would like the weather to stay nice so that I don't have a completely dreadful summer. We have a few trips plans to see family so it would be nice if the weather was non its behaviour then too. It's quite remarkable how the weather can have such a massive impact on our lives and our emotions! Who doesn't feel happy when the sun's out?

Despite the lack of decent weather for the majority of the month, there has been a few nice days where I have truly made the most of it! We had our first BBQ of the summer this month and also I even cracked out the sun cream at times! I just hope that that wasn't our summer all over at once.

This month has also been the month of exploring as I visited Sheffield this month for one of their University open days. I went with my dad and it was really exciting to explore a whole new place I had never been to before and the university was also really nice so it is definitely a consideration for the future which is actually approaching quite fast!

This month also saw me have a break from all of my exams as they came to an end. My last exam was on the 10th June and it was one of the best feelings when I walked out that exam. The exam didn't go amazingly well but just knowing that I had a week off ahead of me made me so incredibly happy. That week went surprisingly quickly, and although I planned just to laze about and not do too much, I ended up doing something nearly every day, which looking back was probably a better way to spend the week off. During the week, I went bowling, made brownies and did some shopping- it was a pretty good week.

Now we are back at school and let's just say it's not as nice as my week off!

My sister also moved back home this month after graduating with a 2:1 degree in psychology! I am immensely proud of her and her official graduation is this week which I cannot wait for! It is nice to have her home although I didn't think it would be! We are getting along now much better than we used to and it's just nice to have someone else to talk to!

This month I also went to see The Son's of Pitches in concert! Oh my goodness! They were AMAZING and it was so much fun! I had watched them on the BBC2 show- 'The Naked Choir' back in November and ever since they announced a tour after winning I couldn't wait to see them. They were even better than I thought they would be and it was an amazing experience!

July is the month where the summer holidays begin! Eeeek! So excited to have 6 entire weeks of holiday where I can just totally relax and write some really good blog posts! This month I will also be carrying out some work experience which I am really excited for and am itching to begin!

I hope you have had a good June and that your July will be a good one too!
Let me know what you have done this month and what your plans are for July.
Thanks for reading as always!

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