Saturday 23 July 2016

The Battle of the BB Creams!

Recently, I decided to try a new BB cream just to see what it was like, so in this week's post I thought I would compare the two to see which one is my BB Cream champion!

Now, I loved my Garnier BB Cream and I mentioned it in numerous posts, so you may be surprised to hear that I even considered buying a new one. However, my Garnier one had run out and I didn't have enough money to buy another one, as July has been a bit expensive for me!
So, this Seventeen Blemish Balm was within my budget and seeing as I like their concealer so much, I thought I would give this one a go and see if I liked it as well. 

Frustratingly, the Garnier one came on offer just after I bought the Seventeen one so I would have had enough money to buy that one after all! However, at normal price, the Garnier one is £9.99 for 50ml whereas the Seventeen one is £6.99 for 30ml. So after some calculations, the Seventeen one is actually more expensive at £23.29 for 100ml whereas the Garnier one is only £19.98 for 100ml.
So the first point goes to the Garnier one for being the cheaper of the two products which is an obvious bonus.

The next category is consistency and how it feels on the skin. You all know I love how the Garnier one feels on my skin and I love how it also makes my skin super soft as well. Well, good news for Team Garnier, as the Seventeen one didn't have the same WOW factor in this category. As this BB cream is specifically designed for those of us with blemishes, it has oil control ingredients which means it doesn't give as much glow and softness to the skin as the Garnier one. So unfortunaetely for Team Seventeen, Garnier wins this point as well.

Next up is coverage and there is good news for Team Seventeen as this BB cream wins this category hands down! Although, the Garnier one gives more glow to the skin, it doesn't give much coverage meaning I normally need to apply a decent amount of concealer on top as well. However, this Seventeen one has a much more decent coverage as it is designed for those with blemished skin. However, it is not cakey on the skin and still looks natural- a clear winner in my opinion!

Next up is application. Now this one is a bit more tricky to decide, as I found that I apply them differently. I apply the Garnier one firstly with my fingers and then blend this all in with my makeup sponge. However, as the Seventeen one isn't as creamy, I apply it straight from the back of my hand to my skin with my make up sponge dabbing it all over my face. I don't think I can pick a winner for this category as I couldn't use the same application on both. However, the Seventeen can be a bit more awkward to apply to my cheeks as my cheeks aren't oily at all so therefore the products need to be worked in a bit more on my cheeks and as a result I do not wear much of this on my cheeks.

Next is lasting power. Both last a reasonable amount of time however the Seventeen wins for me. I find that this lasts longer on my skin and also keeps me looking relatively shine-free whereas the Garnier one can sometimes make me look a bit greasy- especially on my forehead. However, as the Seventeen one has oil control, I find that this keeps me looking matte for longer, but it does not make me look flat which I really like about this product. I also find that I do not need to powder with this product whereas the Garnier one I nearly always need to. Therefore, the point for this round goes to the Seventeen BB Cream.

Oooh, it's a draw! But the final category I can think of is colour match. When Garnier released an 'Extra Light' I was so happy and the colour was a perfect match for me. Therefore, this was going to be hard to beat if I bought a different brand. And it turns out it was hard to beat as I bought the lightest shade of the Seventeen one and it is still too dark. I can work with it but it does need a lot more blending and attention. Also, the Seventeen colour range for this product is limited to only a few shades similar to the Garnier range. However, this 'Extra Light' shade from the Garnier product makes all the difference in my mind. Therefore, the point goes to Garnier for this round.

More things to note for the two products is that the Seventeen BB cream has an SPF of 25 whereas the Garnier one has an SPF of 15. This makes the Seventeen one better for use in the summer. Also the Seventeen one claims to improve skin within 4 weeks. I have only been using this product for just over a week now so I cannot comment on the effects yet. Furthermore, I cannot compare it to the Garnier one on this subject as this BB cream for Garnier is not specifically designed to improve skin.

So as a result, after 5 rounds, the Garnier BB Cream wins only by one point. I like them both very much but for different things so therefore I shall not stop using one all together but just perhaps buy them alternatively. 

I hope you have enjoyed today's post and I'll see you next week with another brand new post! 
Let me know in the comments below if you have tried either of these products and what you thought about them! :)

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