Saturday 30 July 2016

Our Little Trip to Edinburgh

 To celebrate my Mum turning 50, this year, we planned a surprise trip for her to Edinburgh for an overnight stay. I was pretty excited too, as I hadn't been there in ages and couldn't remember much of it at all! In this week's post I thought it would be nice to share my trip with lots of pictures too!

So we took a train there and back which didn't take long and was much more pleasant than driving. We also stayed in the Travelodge on Princes Street which was pretty central for everywhere we wanted to go.

When we arrived it started to rain, true Scottish weather! We had a wander round as my mum and dad kept recognising places from when we used to live there; I was 6 when we moved so I can hardly remember it much. We had soup and sandwiches for lunch in the art gallery and then had a wander round that as well and I have never seen paintings as big as they were!
We walked up to the castle where the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo is held. It was pouring by this point yet the ice cream van on site was still going strong!
After returning to the hotel to freshen, and dry off, we headed out for tea at The Hard Rock Cafe which was amazing and buzzing with loud music! I had an amazing macaroni cheese for tea which was literally the best I had ever tasted, but unfortunately I got full up really quickly which I was so gutted about as I really wanted to finish it! 

The next day, after having to great ready pretty quickly, we headed to a Wetherspoons where we all had breakfast. I opted out for the full English (Scottish) option and instead I had some bagels with Nutella which was a pretty good alternative. After checking out of the hotel, we jumped in a taxi, also a new experience for me, to the Botanic Gardens which I could vaguely remember from when I was little. I remembered the wide paths and the squirrels but we didn't see a single one! As my friend said to me before we left- it was an Instagram hot-spot, and I took lots of good pictures- if I do say so myself! I took tons though so it has been hard to select a few for this post!
The glasshouses were amazing and so spectacular but really hot and sticky as well. The conditions meant that there was some pretty impressive plants in wet conditions and dry conditions too. We had sandwiches again for lunch but this time they were super fancy and really yummy! The sun shone for us at Botanic Gardens and started to rain again as soon as we left- good timing!

 Our time in Edinburgh was coming to an end as we headed for the train station where I bought myself a new scrapbook from a Paperchase store. We had some chocolate to keep our energy levels up, as we had certainly done a lot of walking! We caught the train home and all of us definitely had a snooze at one point! 

So that was my short but very nice trip to Edinburgh last weekend. I hope you have enjoyed seeing what I got up to. Have you ever been to Edinburgh? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks for reading as always! :)

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