Tuesday 9 August 2016

July into August

 Sorry about the delay to this post but I have been unable to find time to write it recently, but I'm here now so I hope you enjoy this 'Moving Months' post where I look back on the month of July and look forward to August which has already began.

This month's highlight was probably seeing my sister graduate with a second class honours degree in psychology. It was a memorable day and only the other day, the official photographs arrived which brought all the happy memories back for the family. Her photo now sits proudly on the window ledge and it was truly a great day- definitely worth missing school for!

This month Pepper also had a prize of his own as we attended a fun dog show where he came 3rd in the 'Golden Oldie' category. He looked pretty pleased with himself in the picture and to be honest we were all surprised he had earned a rosette, as we had just entered him for fun! This was on the same day as my Dad's birthday so all round it was a pretty good day!

This month I also completed some work experience working with the management team of my local shopping centre. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and now I have had a change in decision of possible future career paths. 

I also met up with my friends in July as the summer holidays officially began and we had a lovely picnic in the park and the weather was lovely. I love meeting with friends, despite sometimes the hassle of the organising, but it really is great to sometimes be away from family and spend some time with friends who can truly make you laugh out loud!

I also visited Edinburgh this month which was a great getaway and was just the right duration as well, as I feel like we covered a lot in a little amount of time. It was exciting to catch the train and spend the night away and memories were also jogged when we visited the Botanic Gardens as I hadn't been there since I was really small. 

The beginning of August saw my grandparents arrive and stay with us for a week. I really like seeing them as we always go on lots of days out and trips which we would never normally do. We also had a lovely meal out and the week overall was pretty good!

Since they have left I have been catching up on seeing friends again and also catching up on some of my homework pieces for the summer as well as beginning to draft my personal statement which is definitely harder than I thought it would be! 

My plans for the rest of this month are to work more with the local shopping centre as I have been offered some more work which I grabbed with both hands, as I really did enjoy my time there and I am really looking forward to going back.

This month is also results day month! It's a nerve-racking time for all students who have sat summer exams and I am certainly nervous for them. However, in a way you can look forward to them too, as once it is over, you can forget about them for the rest of the summer and it'll be out of the way! 

After my results, I am off visiting both my grandparents again but this time in their homes which involves a 6 hour driving journey- yay! It's not actually too bad as we have lots of stops and me and my sister always look forward to the Burger King we get as tradition on the way back for lunch. I am really looking forward to seeing my other grandparents which I haven't seen since Christmas now so I cannot wait for that- plus I prefer going to their houses as it seems more of a holiday to me! Whilst we are down there we will also be celebrating my Grandad's 90th birthday which is pretty impressive!

And how could I not mention that The Great British Bake Off starts this month. I am beyond excited to watch this and love the show so much. I can't until my Wednesday nights are completed by the sound of the bake off music! 

And that pretty much sums up what happened in July and what is going to be happening in August. 
I hope you have enjoyed these posts, as I really like writing these posts as it is like a mental scrapbook of what I have done in the last month.
Thank you for reading and I'll see you on Saturday with a new post! :)

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