Saturday 16 July 2016

Happy 1st Birthday To Me!

 So my blog turned one on Monday!! I can't quite believe it, it feels only yesterday that I dived into the deep end and pressed the publish button with no idea what would happen next.

 I don't want to make this post a deep and meaningful post and reflect on my blogging time so far as that seems just a little bit boring to me (and you're the one who's going to read this!)

So instead I thought that it would be fun to share with you this blog's highs and lows of its first year, including what posts were a hit and those that weren't so popular. Also, I'll be sharing my opinions on some posts and which were my favourite to write.
So my first post on this blog was titled "You've clicked on this blog!" To be honest this title makes me laugh now as can you tell I didn't have a clue what to title it?! That wasn't my first official post though as it really had no purpose to be honest. Although when I put it up, it was exciting that I owned something on the internet!!

My first 'official' post was titled '3 Facts About Me'. I enjoyed writing this although looking back it does seem a bit planned and rehearsed. Nowadays I feel like my posts are a lot more chatty and basically what I would say if I was talking to you face-to-face! I also really enjoyed playing with the layout, font and images on this blog post as it was the first time I could do this properly.

Looking back over all the posts I've written, I can remember writing every single one! But looking back they do seem old!

I can't possible choose one post which was my favourite to write because genuinely I am so happy and pleased about every post I have written. Some of my favourites include:
  • 'Manicure of the Moment' as this was the first time I felt like an actual blogger with the pictures I had to take and the fancy 'flat-lays' and editing the photos afterwards. It was a nice post to write and complete.
  •  'Summer Shoes' was also fun to create as there was a lot of preparation for that with the pictures. My mum also helped with those pictures and that was nice to have her support.
  • 'Jersey 2015' was another good post as it was nice to look back at all my holiday pictures. It was also nice to write the post as well.
  •  My 'Make Up Mixups' are always exciting to write as I love taking the pictures for these. They are normally quite long as well, which I like as sometimes I find it hard to condense all my thoughts and opinions and I feel like if I did then my posts wouldn't be the same and wouldn't be as chatty, which I like them to be.
  • My 'Get Ready With Me' and 'Guest at Graduation' were also fun posts to create as again, they were long and fun to write. I love doing all the editing of the photos as well as writing the actual posts which I think is one of the reasons why I have fallen in love with blogging more than I thought I would. 
The post with the highest number of views was my 'The Weekend #1'. I was really excited about this at the time and since then my 'Easter Bakes', 'March Favourites' and 'Guest at Graduation' have all been popular posts too. It really gives me a buzz when lots of people have viewed a post as it's nice to know people are actually taking time out of their day to look a my little blog.

The least popular post from this blog's first year was my 'Recent Reads'. To be honest, looking back this probably wasn't the greatest idea for a blog post and I have learnt from it, which is the important thing, as something similar has not appeared again! It may do in the future, but it's obviously something that you, my readers, aren't that keen on!

The biggest low of this blog so far was probably when I stopped blogging for a while. I felt so guilty that I left it but am much more on top of things now that I don't think that will happen again. If it does in the future, then I apologise but I hope you understand the reasons behind it. That being said the summer holidays are now ahead of me so there will be no excuses for not having new posts every week. There may even be a few more- I'm not promising but who knows?!

The biggest high of this blog process so far has actually been telling people about it. At the start, I didn't want anyone to know and I still do a little which is the main reason for this blog being anonymous. However, when I have told people or it has come up in conversation somehow, people have been really supportive and really excited to read it. For all this support, I thank all of my friends and so far I have not received anything negative about it at all! In the future, I may reveal my blog to the whole world and everyone I know but not quite yet!

So I think that concludes my 1st year of blogging. I hope you have enjoyed this post and my blog as a whole. Thank you again to the support I have been given over the past year and to my lovely readers- you (yes you)!

I hope you stay with me on this journey and continue to watch my blog grow even more! Thank you so much again for reading and I'll see you next week with my 50th post! Another milestone- I know! 

Leave me a comment below saying which post has been your favourite from this first year?

Posts Mentioned:
 'You've clicked on this blog!'
'3 Facts About Me'
'Manicure of the Moment'
'Summer Shoes'
'Jersey 2015'
'Make Up Mixups #1' and '#2'
'Get Ready With Me' 
'Guest at Graduation' 
'The Weekend #1'
  'Easter Bakes'
'March Favourites'
'Recent Reads'

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