Saturday 30 April 2016

April Into May

So this month has flown by at ridiculous speed but as we approach the end, I thought it would be nice to look back and see what I have done this month.

So, as it pains me to say, April has mainly been a month of revision! Woohoo for that! This part of my education has definitely been the hardest so far and I will be glad when it is finally over. If you too have been revising this month, you may want to check out my post I did on my revision tips which I posted last month (link will be below).

Despite the constant nagging from revision, I have had some fun this month. I am in full swing now with this blog and am looking into taking it further in the near future. In fact, I would just like to thank you all for reading my posts, it is weird to think that you look at this on your own computer instead of mine! Some of you are all over the world which blows my mind every time I see a new view!

This month also saw the completion of my coursework. I have been designing and making a bag for the past 6 months or so and I am so glad to say that it is all completed now! It is a massive relief and I can almost forget about it all now- oh wait, I now have the exam to think about! Oh well, they'll all be over soon and then I will have a week to do absolutely nothing and I cannot wait!

This month has also seen me bake macaroons (or macarons) for the first time. They were reasonably successful and if you would like to see the recipe, then let me know in the comments below or send me an email! 

If you remember from last week's post the weather this month has been surprisingly nice. Although, twist of fate, as soon I put that post up, here in the UK we have had nothing but wind, rain and even snow! That just shows how the weather can be so unpredictable, especially here in the UK. Hopefully, summer will be a little warmer.

This month also saw Pepper, my labradoodle, turn 7! I cannot believe we have had him that long! We have been on lots of nice dog walks this month with his friend Poppy, another labradoodle. Also, we have still been attending dog agility. He is getting much better and I am really very proud of him.

As far as music is concerned, I have pretty much listened to the same people all month. I am loving Adele's most recent album and I have also been reminiscing Taylor Swift's 1989 album. Both are utterly amazing and make a great revision buddy, although some of the songs I now associate with revision (good or bad, I'm not sure!) In the past week, I have discovered Little Mix's most recent album- 'Get Weird'. In fact I am listening to it as I write this post! My favourites have to be 'Hair' and 'I Won't' along with 'Secret Love Song'. 

For TV this month, my favourite has returned- 'The Real Housewives of Cheshire'. I cannot express my love for this enough! Brilliant, funny and surprising! It will certainly not be for some tastes but is definitely one for me! Also, I have really been enjoying the show- 'Two Doors Down'. Based in Scotland, it is a comedy show based on neighbours and how can you not like the Scottish accent?! Anyway, it is really funny and I really enjoy watching it.
Looking forward to May, only one word comes to mind- EXAMS!! Aaah! However, the sooner they come the sooner they'll be over!  Good luck to any of my readers who also have exams coming up!

During, my break in May I plan to develop my blog and continue with weekly posts. I am also looking forward to spending more time with my friends and also before we know it, it'll be the summer holidays which I am obviously excited for! Other than exams, not much else is happening in May which is quite depressing isn't it?! Oh well, I'm sure things will happen that I just don't know about yet! Cheesy, yes but it's true!

And that sums up my month pretty quickly. I hope you have had a great month and that May is good to you! Let me know what you have been up to and don't be afraid to leave me a comment below! 
Thank you for reading and I'll see you next week! :)

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