Saturday 9 April 2016

My Current Skincare

This week's post sees me talk about the subject of my skincare and all the products I like to use throughout the whole year. 

Skincare for me is something which I don't like to mix up that often, so once I've found products I like, I stick to them. First things first, I have combination/oily/normal skin which is prone to blemishes and redness. I can't say that I fit into one category as sometimes my skin just can't make up its mind! One thing I can say for certain though, is that I don't have dry skin. I'll touch upon that later on.

Another thing you will notice as you read through this post, is that I don't have an extensive routine which consists of numerous products. I would say mine is quite simplistic and I certainly love all the products I use as I really don't want to put just anything on my skin as my skin can also be fragile at times!

Starting with what I start with, is face wash. I use the La Roche-Posay Effaclar Purifying Foaming Gel. This is a wonderful product and in fact is a wonderful range. This brand certainly isn't the cheapest in the shops, but in the past few years my skin has been giving me trouble and it certainly affected my confidence and happiness levels but now I am coping much better due to my skin being in a much better condition than it was. I suffered with really heavy break-outs, which I know a lot of people get, and this range has certainly helped the best with this problem. It is a drying formula designed for oily skin. However, it isn't too stripping and drying on my face as it is also formulated for sensitive skin too. Priced at £11.00 a bottle, it's not your simple face wash but is the best I have tried for my skin condition. Furthermore, it lasts a long long time, so in my eyes it is definitely value for money! I have bought numerous bottles and I shall certainly be buying numerous more!

I would then normally apply my moisturiser. However, over the past week or so I have been using The Body Shop Tea Tree Targeted Gel. I used this product a few years ago, when my blemishes were much worse than they are now. Back then, the whole tea tree range from The Body Shop didn't really work for me, even though tea tree is a key successful ingredient for treating blemishes and the entire range has amazing reviews. However, I was missing something like this from my skincare so decided to give it another try. This time around I am really enjoying using it. I pop it on any blemishes that are on their way and it seems to stop them in their tracks! The first time I tried it, this time around, I popped it on before I went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, the targeted blemish was noticeably reduced in size and I have been using it daily since! I wouldn't apply this to large areas though, as this would use up the product too quickly. Instead target individual blemishes which are just starting to make an appearance. It's a pretty small bottle priced at £6.50, so don't be tempted to use too much!

Next up is moisturiser. Normally, I would reach for the La Roche-Posay Effaclar Mat Sebo-Regulating Moisturiser. I love this moisturiser but I do not love it's price tag! However, it does the job of mattfiying whilst not leaving the face looking flat. It also provides a great base to apply make-up too. Despite the price of £14.50, the amount it helps my skin, I don't think I could use any other moisturiser. However, saying that, recently in the past week, I have been using another moisturiser from the brand Simple. This is a well known brand and produces great skincare at affordable prices. I have been using a mini-size of their Kind To Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser. I wanted to try this just because of its simplicity. I wanted to see how my skin would cope and if I could live without the other one. This one is significantly cheaper so would help my purse out too! I really like this moisturiser and my skin has coped with it fine. I have noticed a little more shine throughout the day, but I haven't fully tested it out with make-up on top yet. I think, initially, I prefer the La Roche-Posay one better for wearing alongside make up as it provides a smoother surface and also minimises the appearance of pores better. However, I will not stop using the Simple one, as it provides a boost of hydration which I can use at weekends when I don't want to wear make-up! I only apply my moisturiser in the mornings. There is no particular reason for this, except I like to leave my skin during the night and just wash it with the face wash and apply the gel if needed.

Finally, we finish with something that I only use occasionally. This is E45 Cream and I love this product so much. It is such a versatile product which can be used for a number of dry skin conditions. As I mentioned earlier, I certainly do not have dry skin and this product would not suitable for all-over-the-face application as it is a bit thick and heavy for this. Instead, I use this product when areas of my face become dry and sometimes flaky. This usually happens around my nostrils and in between by eyebrows. When this occurs, I put quite a lot of this cream onto the dry area and wait for it to jut sink in. I resist rubbing it in as leaving it to sink in itself, in my opinion, does the job better. I can look at bit strange at times with white cream on my face, so I tend to do this more at night before I go to bed. I'll wake up the next morning and my dry patches will be so much better. Sometimes I need to apply a little more in the morning but often I don't need to.

So that sums up the products I like to use on my face! Thank you for reading and let me know, and other readers, what you like to use as part of your skincare by leaving me a comment below!
I hope you're all having a great weekend and I shall see you next week with another post! 

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