Sunday 20 November 2016

Lipstick Love Take Two!

So if you have been a reader of my blog for a while now, you may have recognised the title of this post as being similar to one I did earlier on in the year. Well, I have now fallen in love with another lipstick and to be honest I think this one is a whole lot better! 

So this is a lipstick from Primark as you may have already recognised and you're probably thinking "well, that's going to be a bit rubbish" and that's where you are most definitely wrong!
I'm not lying when I say that this is one of the best lipsticks I have ever used and beats my Rimmel and Maybelline ones. 

It is a gorgeous shade called Bombshell and is perfect for the day as a dark rosey nude and the best bit- it's only 90p! That is a crazy price so I definitely couldn't resist and am so happy I picked it up. I think that just because Primark is a cheap shop overall, people often look past their make-up, although this is the third item now I picked up from Primark and I couldn't love it more.

It is moisturising and isn't drying or irritating to the lips and lasts a fair amount of time and is easy to apply too. 

There's not much else to say about this lipstick, except I would highly recommend that you go and pick up one for yourself and even if you're not as big a fan as me- at least it was only 90p! 

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next week! :)

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