Saturday 5 November 2016

End of the Year Plans

So as we head into the second last month of the year, I thought it would be fun to share with you 5 things I have coming up in the next few months before 2017 arrives.

1. Christmas!
So this is an obvious one and I couldn't be more obviously excited! I am beginning to think of presents and have even bought a few already!I love this time of the year and can't wait for all the lights to switch on and our Christmas tree to go up and I swear I get more excited each year and earlier each year too! I blame the shops for putting all their Christmas stock out early but I'm really not complaining.

2. Driving Test
By the end of the year, I would have hopefully passed my driving test. This would be the first time I take my test and it has been a long time coming! I really enjoy driving and am quite excited at the prospect of passing but I'm sure I'll get more nervous the closer the date approaches! Hopefully the weather won't disrupt my test as that would be quite annoying.

3. York
Nearer to Christmas I am going to York. I am so excited as I have never been before but have heard so many good things about the place. I can't wait to do some Christmas shopping and have a nice day out and explore the city surrounded by the Christmas atmosphere!

4. Craft Fair
This month I will also be taking part in a Christmas Fair with my mum where we will be selling handmade textile products such as stockings and bags which are perfect gift ideas. The fair will take place in my local town and I cannot wait for the excitement and buzz of the fair. The process of making everything has been a long one but it is coming to an end now and I have really enjoyed it even though it has taken us nearly 4 months!

5. Spa Day
I will be also going for my first spa day before the end of the year and I am so excited for this as well. I cannot decided what treatment to get but I can't wait to relax especially as I will be starting to get into the thick of revision soon for mock exams in January. 

So that sums up my plans before 2017 comes around! It's not long now but I cannot wait for all these things to happen and I think that I haven't been this busy all year!
I hope you have enjoyed reading this week's post and let me know what your end of the year plans are.
Thanks as always for reading! :)

P.S You can comment now on my blog anonymously and I can now reply! I would love it if you left me a comment! :)

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