Saturday 14 January 2017

Hello 2017!

So hello everybody, I'm not going to lie but this feels kind of strange as it has been quite a while, hasn't it? I can only apologise for my absence but sometimes life just gets in the way! I'm back though and with a brainstorm of blog ideas in front of me, hopefully there will be lots of new and exciting posts heading your way very soon. I'm excited to get back to blogging and I thought a nice post to kick start the new year would be to talk of my hopes for 2017 as well as some good ol' resolutions!

So I would like to say that I welcomed the new year in surrounded by my family and those I love the most. Well, that wasn't quite the case in our house as we all went to bed early and were all disturbed by the fireworks going off at midnight. I said "Happy New Year" to myself and then off I went to sleep again!

New Year's Eve has never been a big event in our house and to be honest I think I've only stayed up once or twice. I know that some people see it as a second Christmas but the only deciding factor for me to stay up is the telly. This year, like many others, it wasn't that good and as well as having work the next morning, I decided that my bed was the best option for me. 

2017 is going to be quite a big year for me. Hopefully, this time next year I will be writing a similar 'New Year' post sitting in university accommodation. It's a massive deal to me and although I am excited by the whole prospect, I am equally as terrified and nervous for what awaits. This is what my whole education has been leading up to and it's quite daunting. I hope to study a Fashion related course at university and I am so excited to begin learning something brand new and nothing like I have ever studied before. None of the subjects I do now really inspire and captivate me and make me feel like I want to do this subject for the rest of my life, so when I was looking for courses, I knew I didn't want to do anything like what I was already doing. 

Whilst writing this post, I can't think off the top of my head what else is planned for this year. Me and a few friends are planning a trip away together as well as lots of other shorter trips to build up memories before we all go our separate ways- that is going to be so hard and I'm not sure I can even think about how sad that is going to be! 

So yeah, that is all I can really say about what 2017 has in store for me so far, but even then things might change which just shows how random life is sometimes! 

 My resolutions this year aren't very lengthy. My main one is to banish a few annoying habits I have that are even starting to annoy me now! I also want to continue tackling my anxiety, which is an issue I haven't talked about on this blog before so if you would like me to write a post all about it then let me know as it is a common issue and I feel not many people talk about truthfully and openly without playing it up or down. 

For Lent this year, which is something I always try to complete, I am going to attempt to give up sugar. Now when I say 'sugar', I don't literally mean not eating anything with sugar in at all but I mean giving up obvious sugary foods such as cakes, chocolate, puddings and drinks like fizzy drinks and hot chocolates. My Dad is diabetic and I think I would like to see how hard it really is, as well as seeing if the drastic change benefits me in any way in terms of health. The more I think about giving up sugar the more it fills me with sadness of what I will miss out on- hot cross buns and creme eggs to begin with- but I really am determined to stick to it and hopefully achieve it in the end.

And that I think, sums up all I wanted to talk about in this post. 
Leave me a comment below letting me know your new years resolutions as well as any requests you would like to see on this blog.
Thanks for reading and happy 2017!

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