Saturday 13 February 2016

'The Glam Guide' By Fleur De Force

This week's post sees me focus on a book which I have been hooked on ever since I got it. This is 'The Glam Guide' by Fleur De Force and here's why I think you should give it a read!

I first heard of this book as I am one of the many subscribers of Fleur's Youtube channel. She is a lovely person to watch and I look forward to her videos which come out twice weekly.

I love this book and honestly, I think there is nothing like it. Don't be fooled by the word 'Guide'. It is not a book filled with steps you should follow- instead it takes a more casual tone which is totally relatable and is really interesting.
 The sections of the book are split from beauty to blogging and cover a vast range of lifestyle topics. I found that I learnt something new in each section and my favourite section has to be the beauty or fashion chapter. I can't decide! The book not only contains tips and tricks but also explains the science behind them. 

Another thing I absolutely love about this book is the illustrations and design. I have a real passion for design and presentation and I think how the imagery of this book has been created is wonderful! I love the illustrations and photographs which really compliment the theme of the book. 

I could go on and on about how much I love this book but that would spoil it for those that have not yet read it. I would 100% recommend this book and even if you don't buy it- go and flick through it in your local book shop! You won't be disappointed if you love beauty, fashion and lifestyle style books. However, this is the first book of its kind I have tried and am so glad I did.

Thanks so much for reading and leave me a comment if you have 
read 'The Glam Guide' or are now thinking of it? 
Also, leave me a comment if you are a fan of the chatty mouse? :)

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