Saturday 17 September 2016

My Sewing Story!

So in this week's post, I thought I would share with you some of my sewing projects I have completed in my lifetime from my first to my favourite! This month is actually National Sewing Month which inspired this post!

So if you didn't know already or gather from the introduction- I love sewing! I have been sewing alongside my mum and on my own since I was roughly 10 and received my first sewing machine when I was about 13. It was a basic machine but I now prefer to use my Mum's which is a little bit more fancier and suits my needs better!

In case you were wondering, this machine is a John Lewis one and the exact machine will be linked below as I cannot remember its name off the top of my head! I believe it was about £100 but has lasted us well and is great at everything we need it to be.

My first sewing project...
My sewing story began when I made myself my own doorstop which was my first sewing project. It started as I watched my Mum make one for somewhere else in the house. As I watched, I decided I wanted to make my own and with lots of help from my Mum, I had made my first item. I still use it today and it has lasted extremely well and I will never need to buy another one! I believe this was a basic pattern and took me an afternoon to complete.

My most challenging sewing project...
This is an obvious one for me and was the backpack I made for myself back in the summer of 2014. This took the majority of the summer holidays to make as I did a little bit a day pretty much everyday. My Mum helped a lot and we have both said that we will never make one again! The pattern wasn't extremely different but it was very time consuming and wasn't any cheaper than just buying a bag! It was all worth it though as I received numerous compliments and I still use it occasionally today as well as it lasting 2 years of school which is pretty good going for a homemade bag! I still remember buying the fabric for it which was from Dunelm and falling in love with it. It is starting to wear a little now but I love it and will continue to use it for holidays and days out! 

My most recent sewing project...
 This summer I didn't make my own bag but I did make my own pencil case which is something I have done before and really enjoyed. These are one of my favourite things to make and are so rewarding yet surprisingly simple too! I really like the fabric I used for this project. I bought it whilst visiting my grandparents this summer and made it when I came back with some friends. The print reminds me of a Cath Kidston one which is slightly similar. It fits everything I need and is much more fun than just buying one!

My most made item...
The item I have made the most of is a simple tote bag. I first made one for myself as a beach bag and after realising the pattern was so easy, I thought it would be great to make some more. I made and sold a few to my friends and the next year I made even more for a Christmas market I did with my friends. They were really popular and so as a result, this year me and my Mum are going to be selling even more at a Christmas Fair we are doing this year in our local town. I have already made 7 this past week and will be finishing another 7 in the next day or so. We will also be making pencil cases, stockings and other goodies! They are relatively quick to make and I have been loving the whole process. So yeah, I have definitely made a lot of tote bags in my life so far!

The sewing project I am most proud of...
This bag was made for my coursework at school last year and it took flipping ages to finish! It was a lengthy process with all the research and designing before the actual make which was challenging enough! I really do love this bag though and it is definitely my proudest sewing achievement. It was the first time I had sewed with leather and suede and I also challenged myself further with the metal work I did as well. I learnt lots of new skills and am proud of myself! (cheesy I know)

My favourite fabrics...
These are my two favourite fabrics at the minute but I am yet to make anything out of them! I have had them nearly a year now as I bought them at last year's Knit & Stitch show which was amazing by the way! The dog one is a lovely mint green colour and is also a lovely thick fabric whereas the floral grey one is more thin and looks so much like Cath Kidston who I am a big fan of! I bought half a metre of each so any suggestions of what I should make out of them would be highly appreciated! Leave me a comment below! 
And that sums up this week's post! I hope you have enjoyed reading as sewing is one of many loves in my life! Thanks for reading and have a good week! :)

Inspired? Here's some similar patterns you can try!

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