Saturday 24 September 2016

Top 5 TV Shows I'm Loving!

 TV has just been so darn good recently so I thought I would share with you some of my favourites. It doesn't get better than this in my opinion!

So I'm going to get straight on with it as there is so much to talk about when it comes to my top 5!

First up is The Great British Bake Off. Now, I am aware of all the scandal that has happened and I am trying to push all the bad news to the back of my mind but in the meantime I am loving this series (and dreading that it's the last one on BBC!). My favourites are Benjamina, Salasi, Andrew and Val who I am now missing (sorry for the spoiler!) It is a blooming great show and it will always be my favourite!

Next up is Poldark. I have only just started watching this series so I cannot call myself a true fan, however, oh my gosh- it's amazing! Why did I not watch the first series?! It's a great show and I am loving watching it with my Mum who is a big fan and that fact that Aidan Turner (Poldark) is a bit of alright makes it even better to watch! Never have I ever looked forward to a Sunday evening more! 

Next is the most recent show which is Strcitly! Only starting last night, I am already enjoying it! I didn't manage to watch it all last night but I definitely will be tonight! I love the line up and I think I am going to like Daisy Lowe, Tamika Empson and Greg Rutherford! I love that this is the highlight of my Saturdays and it also means that the countdown to Christmas has begun which I am beyond excited about- I've already been banned from saying the word at home!

Victoria has also been a big love of mine recently. Firstly- the theme music. Oh my gosh. I love it so much and it even gives me goose bumps- is that sad?! The story is wonderful and I love Jenna Coleman in it and Prince Albert is a bit of alright too! Great show and thrilled that they are going to be doing a second series- can't wait!

And finally, the return of The Real Housewives of Cheshire. I have loved this show from the beginning and have never missed an episode. I love how hilarious they are and a=how ridiculous their arguments can be! But most of all I like looking at how big their houses are and how the rich people live! It's a great show with lots of swearing and bitch-i-ness! 

I would highly recommend you go and have a watch of these shows if you're not already and I hope you have enjoyed this week's post! Thanks for reading! :)

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