Saturday 10 September 2016

Super Sponge!

This month it was about time I bought myself a new make up sponge as my old one was starting to look a bit deformed. My mum bought this one for me by chance and I couldn't be happier with it so here's a few reasons why.

This is the B. Blending Sponge and is priced at £4.99. I have previously been using the Real Techniques one and felt like nothing could ever top it! However, after using this for about a week now, I think I prefer this one!

I prefer to use sponges when they are slightly damp as I find it blends my make up better than when they are dry. This one grows when it is damp and becomes a lot more springy and spongey! The Real Techniques one was the same and I always used to use that damp as well.

However, I much prefer the shape of this one. It is a teardrop shape with a large base and a fine tip at the top. The large base at the bottom is what I use the most and I use this to pat in all my base make up in whilst I use the fine tip to tap in concealer to any particular blemishes. The smooth sides are great for blending too. 

The only downside of this sponge is that it takes quite a long time to clean as it is quite bigger than the other sponge I used to use. I firstly wash it with a mild soap and then, something I didn't use to do with my other one, wash it again quickly with some mild baby shampoo. I am using this method in addition to washing with soap, as I am experimenting whether this will keep my sponge looking better for longer as I think my other sponge became deformed and dried out a bit due to the drying soap.

I shall have to see how long this sponge lasts for but currently I am loving using it!

So that sums up this week's post. It's a little shorter than others but I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless. 

See you next week! :)

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