Saturday 8 October 2016

5 Things I Love About Autumn!

 So as Autumn has certainly made its arrival, I thought I would share with you some of the things I love about this season.

1. Christmas is coming!
Now some people might think that it is too soon to be starting to even think about Christmas but to me it is never too early! I blooming love Christmas and it is definitely the best time of year in my opinion. I love the build-up and in the past week I have seen a number of shops starting to sell Christmas stuff already! I am not complaining at all as my excitement goes through the roof! My parents have also let me start my Christmas list this week which I am not going to put off any longer!

2. Dog Walks
I am not a lover of walking my dog every night and sometimes it can seem as a bit of chore but when it starts to get that bit colder, it just makes it that bit more exciting! Weird I know, but when you can wear your hat and scarf and go on a nice long walk, it's a nice feeling and let's not forget the trees when they start to change colour which is just magical. As well as trees, there's conkers! I love collecting conkers although some may think I am a bit old for this, I disagree! I can't wait to go!
3. Hot Chocolates
Don't get me wrong, you can have hot chocolate whatever time of the year but it certainly tastes better when it starts to get colder! I have been addicted in the last few weeks as I have discovered one where you pour hot milk on the powder instead of boiling water and the difference is immense! Not forgetting when coffee shops start to bring out their seasonal drinks. My favourite is the honeycomb hot chocolate Costa did last year I think- it was lush!

4. Central Heating
Now this is a bit of a silly one, but I love when we get to put the central heating for the first time because summer has officially ended. The warmth is incredible and I love a hot towel after a shower. It sometimes even gets to the point where I end up squeezing my entire outfit for the day on the radiator whilst I'm in the shower!
5. Dark Nights
You know Autumn is here when you pull your curtains in the morning when you wake up and the sun hasn't fully risen yet. It's a lovely feeling and I also love the dark nights which creep up on you and before long I'll be walking Pepper on the streets in almost complete darkness. You get to see the stars more and it's a lovely experience, although don't get me wrong- I don't love it always as it does get a bit chilly at times!

So that sums up the 5 things I love about Autumn. Let me know what you love about Autumn in the comments below. Thank you as always for reading and I'll see you next week with another new post! Have a great week! :)

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