Saturday 11 February 2017

5 Things to Do This Weekend!

 Hello everybody so I fancied sitting down and writing a chatty post this week and I thought this would be a fun topic to talk about! Here are 5 things you can have a go at this weekend (if you want!)

So I know that this post is going up pretty much halfway through the weekend but you can still fit these things in or save them for next weekend. Now that I work at weekends, sometimes one day, sometimes both, I really appreciate my days off now which sounds super cheesy but it's true!

1. Have some family time
Now this is an obvious first one because most of the time, weekends = family time, but sometimes they don't and now we as a family rarely all have the same day off. You don't have to go out anywhere but even just having a meal with everybody is something I love at the weekends- and aren't weekend dinners just the best?!

2. Get it done!
Whatever you've got to do this weekend, whether it's a bit of homework or finishing some revision or just an errand, get it done as soon as you can so you can enjoy the rest of the weekend! I am a big believer in getting things done early and I rarely leave things till the last minute because it just stresses me out and I would rather truly enjoy my spare time rather than knowing there's a bit of homework to do at the end of it!

3. Have a clear out!
Now this can be as drastic as you make it. You can clear out your desk or clear out your entire bedroom. Whatever you do choose to clear our, it will make you feel a whole lot better in the end. Nobody admits to liking tidying up but doesn't it feel great when you have? 

4. Have a bath
If like me, you're more of a shower person, have a bath instead! They are great in the evenings and for me are definitely a weekend thing! I have tons of bath products to use up from my birthday and I love to read a book or a magazine in the bath as well. They are a great de-stresser and also warm you up in this cold weather.

5. Plan something
If you're like me and you're currently getting into the swing of things with revision and it's starting to bore you already, plan something for when it's all over. This week, I've been starting to think of all the things I want to do in summer. Write them down somewhere so you don't forget and these give you something to look forward when you're deep in the depths of revision!

So that's 5 things that you might want to give a go this weekend! It's been a bit of a cheesy post but I think everyone loves the weekend so we may as well make the most out of it!
Thanks for reading and I'll see you next week! :)

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