Sunday 26 February 2017

Face Wash Favourite

This week I bought myself a new face wash and I thought I would share my first impressions on it!

This is the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Gel Wash and was on offer at Boots where I bought it earlier this week. I was on the lookout for a new face wash as I didn't think the one I was using was doing me any good anymore. I had also noticed that, despite using a make up wipe to remove my make up, when I looked closely at my skin, there was still makeup on my face which was a little bit gross!

My skin has also been playing up the last couple of weeks and I thought that the excess make up on my skin may be a reason for this. Therefore, I decided to take extra care to make sure all my make up was removed and then I thought I would buy a new face wash to see if that made any difference as well.

 I have previously used the Garnier Micellar Water before and liked it but I always like to use a face wash as well so when I saw this, I thought it could be good.

This is a gel formula but is still quite runny and watery in consistency and I find that one pump is another to wash my whole face. 

I've used this now morning and night for just under a week and I am really impressed with it. It leaves my skin super-duper clean and feeling soft and there is definitely no traces if make up afterwards which is a definite bonus! 

I have also used this on my skin when I haven't been wearing any make up that day and it hasn't stripped my skin, leaving it tight and uncomfortable, but instead has left it feeling clean and soft which I love.

I can't comment on whether it has helped to improve my skin yet, but my skin normally always reacts well to a new face wash at the beginning, but we'll have to see if it lasts and my skin continues to like it, but so far so good- my face feels softer and is looking clearer and healthier. 

They also had this wash in a formula for oily skin which claimed to mattify as well. I didn't opt for that one though as I find that mattifying washes can make my skin a little tight and can also dry my skin out too much.

And that sums up this week's post. I hope you have enjoyed it and let me know if you have ever tried this wash and what you think of it! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next week!

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