Saturday 4 February 2017

Banana Bread Recipe

So this week's post is another baking post and in this one I thought I would share with you the recipe for one of my favourite bakes- banana bread!

This recipe is my Nana's and admittedly it didn't turn out as great as it did when I made it with her a while ago but it was still yummy and I think our oven was just playing up!

For this yummy, slightly healthy alternative option to other cakes and biscuits, you will need:
8oz self raising flour
1/4 tsp mixed spice
4oz margarine
1lb bananas mashed
6oz caster sugar
2oz walnuts (optional but go so well with bananas)
2 eggs

You will also need a loaf tin but you could easily make banana muffins instead and just use cupcake cases.

1. Firstly, rub the margarine into the flour until you have what looks like breadcrumbs.

2. Add in the rest of the ingredients to the bowl and beat well!

3. Pour into loaf tin or cupcake cases and cook for 50 minutes at 160° for a fan oven. 
And that's it! It's such a quick and easy recipe and the end result is so yummy and makes a great morning or afternoon snack (or both if you're like me!)

A tip is to use over ripe bananas which are black (the ones that are left that nobody eats!). This is because they have a much stronger flavour and as it puts unloved bananas to good use!

So that's this week's post and let me know if you try this recipe!
Thanks for reading and I'll see you next week! :)

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