Saturday 18 February 2017

Valentine's with a Twist!

So this week marked Valentine's Day and this year I spent it with friends and family just like an ordinary day to be honest. To mark the occasion, this week I thought I would write a post about all the things I love all year round!

1. Family & Friends
An obvious first choice but one I couldn't miss out! They all mean so much to me and this year, as it'll be my last year at home, properly, I want to make the most of them all and create some really good memories and try not to argue with my sister as much!

2. Pepper
For those of you who are not aware of who Pepper is, he's my dog- a black labradoodle. I love him so much and the company of a dog is underestimated as it really is like having another best friend who will always be up for a cuddle or a walkie!
3. Food
Now this is an odd one to put straight after your family and your dog, but I blooming love food! I try to eat it all in moderation, of course, but nothing beats a good warm meal or a chocolate bar! My favourite food if you didn't know is macaroni cheese- love the stuff!
4. TV
I have always watched a lot of telly and it's something my family always does after tea. I have watched many really good shows over the years and my favourites of course have to be Great British Bake Off, Poldark, Call The Midwife, Strictly, Real Housewives and there are lots, lots more!
5. Bedtime
Now this is a weird one to say for a young person like myself, but I love going to bed and sleeping. I love getting into my pyjamas and knowing that the day is over with and a whole new one is coming tomorrow. Sometimes I dread the next day but sometimes I look forward to it and anyone who knows me will know I like my sleep. I am definitely more of an early bird rather than a night owl and an early night is never a bad thing in my eyes!
6. Coffees
Now when I say this, I don't actually mean coffee, I mean 'going for a coffee' with my mum. We do it after school sometimes and I just love chatting to her with my choice of hot drink- a hot chocolate, and a cake of some sort. They don't happen as often as they used to and I really look forward to them now!
7. Scrapbooking
I have been scrapbooking now for the last 3 years and I love it! I love both the process of making a scrapbook as well as looking back over previous years and what I did. I would highly recommend to anyone to start a scrapbook as they really are great fun to do and are great to look back on. 

8. Shopping
I can't believe this didn't come into my head earlier, but I love a good shopping trip. My favourite shop of course has to be Primark joint first with Cath Kidston. I am certainly a 'browser' as well, I love to wander around all the shops rather than only going to certain ones. I am also a lover of shopping alone too! It's great- you can take as long as you want and walk round the same shop as many times as you like!
9. Spring
Spring is my favourite season as I love the transition from winter to the days becoming longer and the sun rising earlier and the feeling of Spring in the air! I have felt like Spring is coming this week and I cannot wait for it! I love Summer as well, who doesn't? But Spring just has that crispness to it which I love!

10. Being organised
This is probably the weirdest thing I love but I just feel so much better about myself when everything is tidy and organised. I'm not obsessive about it as my room right now is a bit of a tip, but I love when things are in their place and it just makes life so much easier and less stressful when you know where everything is. 

So I'd say those are the main things I love. I could list lots more but a) I don't think you would want to read a post that long and b) 10 is a nice number to leave things at!
I hope you all enjoyed this post and had a wonderful Valentine's Day, whatever you did, and I'll see you next week with a new post! :)

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