Saturday 5 September 2015

August into September

I enjoyed reflecting back on July last month so I thought that I would do the same for the month of August which has now come to an end.

To be honest, August has been a bit of a blur. I cannot remember everything I did! Looking back on some photos though, does jog some memories.

This month has seen the first full month that my blog has been running. I am delighted with how it looks and also am really enjoying creating it. Thank you to everyone who has visited this small part of the Internet which I can call my own. 

This month I think I have visited plenty of beaches, here in the UK and on my holiday to Jersey. All my trips were memorable but I have to say the Jersey beaches are a bit better! (Sorry UK!)

Talking of Jersey, how could I not include my first trip to the small island. I loved every minute of it and hope that I can go back there one day perhaps. 

This month also saw my grandparents visit us again, this time without any surprises! We all had a nice week and went on many day trips including our local woods where we took Pepper for a nice long walk. It was a very sunny day and I was proud of the photos I managed to take.

This month has also seen me watch a lot of TV! August saw the return of 'The Great British Bake Off' which I am loving. This year's contestants are all great bakers  although I do have my favourites. A great addition to the bake off is 'Extra Slice' presented by Jo Brand on a Friday night. The show highlights the best bits and also makes me laugh a lot! 

This month also saw Agatha Christie's series 'Partners in Crime' brought to life by the BBC. David Walliams and Jessica Raine are great together and I thoroughly enjoyed every single episode and am now a bit sad that it is over.

I won't be sad for long though as September is host to the new series of 'Strictly Come Dancing'. Saturday nights will now be filled with glitter, fake tan and sparkles as 15 new celebrities take to the floor. I know I shouldn't like it but I can't help it! To me, Strictly is also the start of the countdown till Christmas as the show usually concludes near that time of the year.

Looking back at last month's post, despite my fingers being crossed the weather in Jersey was a bit damp. It rained pretty much every day except the last day- typical! Never the less I made the most of it and let's just say that my rain coat got worn a lot.

How could I forget about results day! I was very nervous the day and night before but was over the moon with what I achieved. I am very proud and am looking forward to starting the next part of my education.

I'm a bit gutted about my 'bake and make' ambitions for August. Unfortunately, I haven't made anything to wear or to eat this month. For some reason I didn't get a chance but hopefully I will be baking more this month but I'm not sure about the sewing as work will probably get on top of me.  

September will see the start of lots more work and homework but it will hopefully be all worth it in the end! 

I have no major plans for this month but I'm sure I'll have something to talk about at the end of it! 

Thank you for reading and enjoy your September! :)

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