Monday 7 September 2015

Praline Biscotti

As my last baking post was quite popular, today I thought I would share with you how me and my mum made praline biscotti.

This recipe comes from The Great British Bake off Big Book Of Baking recipe book which accompanied the previous series.

This recipe makes about 36 biscotti and to make them you will need:

For the hazelnut praline:
100g caster sugar (white rather than gold works best)
100g unblanched hazelnuts

For the biscotti dough:
150g unsalted butter, softened
200g caster sugar 
1 medium free-range egg (plus another egg yolk but we didn't) 
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
375g plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder

1 baking sheet, greased with oil.

 1. Start by making the praline. Put the caster sugar and nuts into a medium heavy-based pan. 
Set over low heat and let the sugar melt gently, occasionally shaking the pan and stirring gently with a metal spoon. 
As soon as the sugar has melted turn up the heat to medium and let the syrup bubble away until it turns a chestnut brown- you can stir it gently now and then with a metal spoon so the nuts brown evenly. 
Tip the mixture on to the oiled baking sheet and spread out evenly with the metal spoon. Leave it until completely cold and set.

2. Break up the praline into chunks. Put them into a food processor and grind to make coarse crumbs with a few larger lumps. Set aside until needed. (This can be made a day in advance)

 3. Heat your oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4.

4. Put the soft butter into a large mixing bowl and beat well with a wooden spoon or a mixer until very creamy. Add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy, scraping down the sides of the bowl from time to time.

5. In a small bowl, beat the egg with the vanilla, just to mix, then gradually add t the butter mixture, beating well after each addition. 

6. Sift the flour and baking powder into the bowl and mix in with a plastic spatula or wooden spoon. As soon as all the flour has been incorporated, add the praline and work in until evenly distributed. Put your hands into the bowl and bring the dough together into a ball.

7. Divide the dough in half. Lift one portion of dough on to one side of the tray. Lightly dust your hands with flour, then mould and shape the dough into a flat brick shape about 30 x 7.5cm and 1.5cm thick. Repeat with the second portion of dough, setting this block slightly apart from the first (to allow for expansion).

8. Bake in the heated oven for 30 minutes until light brown and firm. Remove the sheet from the oven and set it on a heatproof surface; turn the oven down to 300°C/150°F/gas 2. Leave the biscotti blocks to cool for 10 minutes, then slide them onto a chopping boards. With a serrated knife cut the blocks across on a slight diagonal, into slices about 1.5cm thick. 

9. Set the slices of biscotti onto a baking tray. Return them to the oven and bake for about 20 minutes until crisp and golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack and leave until cold. Store in an airtight container and eat within a week.

And there you have it! Inspired by a recent bake off episode, perfect to dunk in a coffee or just on it's own if you're like me! Enjoy and let me know if you have a go! :)

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