Saturday 26 March 2016

Revision Tips!

 So in today's post I thought I would talk about the horrible topic that is revision! It's that time of the year now where exams are creeping up and we have to start preparing ourselves for them- physically and mentally! Here are a few of my tips which help me to see this bore through.

So before we get into the physical tips I have for you, I thought we would start mentally as sometimes this is the hardest thing to achieve.

1. Know when it's not working!
I have experienced this first hand, today in fact, so I know what it feels like. There's a difference between not revising because you can't be bothered and not revising because you actually can't. You (well I) have to be in the right frame of mind in order to sit myself down and do some proper revision. So don't force yourself when you know, yourself, that now is just not the time. On the other hand if you've been revising all morning and nothing is sinking in, then stop as you're not doing yourself or your brain any good. Instead, take a break or even perhaps come back to it the next day when you are more ready.

2. Have a cut off point.
Some people are night owls, whereas others are morning people. Personally, I like my sleep so getting up early and going to bed earlier works the best for me. This way I have motivation in the morning and before you know it, half the revision is done. My cut off point is about 6-7pm. After this time, I try not to revise unless I have forgotten something or have a test the next day. This way I have time to relax before I sleep. If you prefer to work at night, don't forget to give yourself time to sleep as otherwise your revision will be wasted as it won't sink in.

3. Set mini targets each day.
 Whether you follow a timetable for your revision or not, make a mental (or physical) list of what you think you can achieve that day. As well as revision, it can also include non-revision activities such as a film you've been meaning to watch or a friend you want to visit. This way at the end of the day you can look back and see what you've achieved. But don't be disheartened if you don't fulfil your targets. Take another look at them and see if you can do them tomorrow and if not, move onto another target that you know you can achieve.

4. Think about the future.
If you feel down whilst revising, pick yourself up by thinking how great you're going to feel once all this revision is done! If you have a study leave, or even a weekend free, imagine how you're going to feel and remember, the more you work now the greater that feeling will feel!

5. What are you looking forward to?
Try to look past the revision and instead what you are looking forward to. For example, you could be looking forward to seeing your family at the weekend or even just a TV show you love is on tonight! It can even be as simple as looking forward to a biscuit once you've finished this chapter of revision! Little things in life truly are the best!

Now moving on to practical things you may want to try...

1. Checklists and more lists!
 I cannot express my love more for the humble list! It can be so pleasing to physically see in front of you what you have achieved. Make lists of the topics in your subjects and tick them off once completed. This way you will be able to see how prepared you are for the exam even if you don't feel it!

2. Flashcards
I love these so much too. Simply, on one side write the question and on the other, the answer! It couldn't be easier and it freshens up the way you revise. It can also involve friends and family if you ask them to test you as well. You can also make bigger flashcards which you can condense your wider notes onto. These are handy to test yourself or just read through. They are also great to read through on the day of the exam or whilst you are waiting outside your exam venue as they won't be as big as your original notes to carry around.

3. Mind Maps
Now this is probably a staple in anyone's revision, however they have not always been my preferred way of revising. I do know they work though due to countless friends of mine adopting this method. For me, I like my mind maps to be on the smaller size. This way my notes are as condensed and as precise as they can be which will stop me drivelling on in the exam. Also they are travel-friendly so I can take them pretty much anywhere. Finally, don't forget the colour. For me, if something isn't colourful, then I'm not going to look at it!

4. Take your revision elsewhere!
This is something which can make revision just that little bit less boring (you didn't realise that was possible did you!) Sometimes, whilst on a dog walk, I will take my flashcards with me and either flick through them myself or ask a family member to test me along the way. This just makes revision that bit different and less constricted to a desk. If you don't like the idea of this, then perhaps pop some posters or flashcards around your house and every time you pass one give it a read. Great places for this are your shower and your cupboard.

5. Take breaks!
Just like when you're in school, we need breaks from revision in order to refresh and spend time with our friends and family. These are just as important as the revision itself, as without breaks your revision won't be as successful as it could be! Have a biscuit or even just a stare out of your window to distract your mind from revision just for quarter of an hour or so. Return to your revision feeling refreshed and ready for another topic. I read a while back, that 45 minutes of revision followed by a 15 minute break is a great way to spend an hour revising. After your break, return back for another 45 minutes of revision. Obviously, give yourself a longer break if you want- you probably deserve it!

6. Food Choices
 This can be a tough one during this time of the year as you are probably surrounded by chocolate if you celebrate Easter. I am not going to say 'don't eat chocolate' as who else is going to finish off your eggs? However, be smart about how much chocolate you eat. Little and often treats will make revision fly by. Also have a drink by your side whilst you revise. Having some water near you will keep your brain hydrated and therefore ready to absorb more information!

So that sums up my revising tips. I am obviously not a revision expert and not all these tips will work for everyone. Once you've found what works for you- stick to it but don't be scared to try something new once in a while.

Thank you very much for reading and happy revising! (if that's the right word for it!) :)
Comment down below any revising tips you would like to share!

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