Monday 6 July 2015

You've clicked on this blog!

So as you are fully aware, if you have made it this far, you are currently staring at the chatty mouse blog. I know it's pretty bland at the moment but give me time and hopefully it'll be a small part of the internet which I can call my own and be proud of.

In the meantime though, let's begin with explaining who I am.

Obviously I am not a mouse! (well done if you already guessed that)
I am a student who lives in the UK. I live with my parents, my older-but-doesn't-act-it-sister and my pet dog, Pepper. He is a labradoodle and I'm sure you'll hear a lot more about him in the future.

I wanted to start this blog as to be honest, it's quite boring being at home during the summer before plans have really started to become reality. I hope to make this blog as if it were a selection box. Not everything will be the same or fit into one category. After all, life isn't just about one thing! Some bits you may like and some bits you may not like so much. Feedback, I think, is going to make this work so if you want to express your love towards the bits you like and have a rant about the things you don't like about this blog then- GO FOR IT!!

My plans for this blog are not set in stone yet. I have some ideas but I mainly want to focus on fashion and beauty as they are my two loves at the current moment. These loves may fail me so I may move on to something else. However, if you have just read that and thought "Aah, not for me!" then can I reassure you and say that not everything will be about fashion and beauty. I also really enjoy baking, sewing (crafts in general) and just being me!

So if you are interested in seeing the life of a chatty mouse then stay tuned!

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