Saturday 31 October 2015

Lush Haul

Hello everyone! Today's post sees me showing you what I bought from my latest trip to Lush. I bought more than I ever have before so I hope you enjoy!

First things first, if you do not know what Lush is, then where have you been? This shop is one of a kind and there is nothing else quite like it. Selling all handmade products using only the best ingredients which are sustainable and fair to growers, Lush's products are stunning and you can't walk out of the shop not holding a purchase (or 2) in your hand. Furthermore, they pride themselves on being against animal testing and none of their products are tested this way! Bonus!

If you enter a Lush shop, I would strongly recommend picking up one of their catalogues. This explains more about the brand and also gives a full list of all the products which they sell!

Background information- check!
Now let's get on to what I purchased from this ridiculously amazing shop!

As I am currently writing this at my computer with the bag right under my nose, I can well and truly say that I am excited for all of the things I have bought! One thing that will hit you when you walk in the shop is the smell-boom! It's powerful but so exciting at the same time.

The first things I purchased were gifts for my friends. If you are a Lush fan, you will know all about their seasonal ranges and the Christmas one is my personal favourite. Bath times just become that little bit more festive. 

I bought 2 of the Dashing Santa Bath Bombs.
I love the smell of this bath bomb and I am actually quite jealous of the person who is going to receive this. Being a bath bomb, it fizzes away in your bath leaving a subtle colour and filling the whole bathroom with a lovely fragrance. The smell is difficult to describe but is quite sweet and reading from the catalogue I can say that it has mandarin oil in it. Santa is also glittery so I can imagine it will leave your bath sparkling! As you can see from the image above, each bath bomb comes individually wrapped after you pick it yourself. The labels are optional but are nice if you are giving as a gift. The bags are paper so can easily be recycled and will biodegrade as well.

Next up I bought the Magic Wand Reusable Bubble Bar.
 This is my second re-purchase of this as I have to get one each year. This has got to be one of my favourite ever lush products! This is a bubble bar which creates bubbles (and lots of them) in your bath. As it is Christmas, the design replicates a wand of which you can cast spells on your bath by giving this a swirl.  The beauty of these, and bubble bars in general, is that you can easily get 3 or 4 baths out of each one making them great value for money, in my opinion. The smell of this again I love! This again is sweet and has a lovely sugary-ness about it! If you didn't already know, I am a bit rubbish when it comes to describing smells. If you have the chance, pop your head into a Lush store and give this one a sniff!

Next up is a new purchase for me which is the Butterbear.
This is such a cute product which is also limited edition as part of the Christmas range. Smelling simply of vanilla and cocoa butter, this bath bomb is a little luxury as it will leave your bath silky soft from the goodness of the cocoa butter. I am very excited to try this one when my skin is perhaps a bit dry as a result of the colder weather. By reading the ingredients, this little bear also has Ylang Ylang oil which gives a slightly sweet and floral scent. This would be a great gift for someone (or yourself!) if they prefer more simplistic scents which aren't too overwhelming.

My final product for the bath is also part of Lush's Christmas range and is their Candy Mountain.
This is an iconic part of Lush's Christmas range and yet I have not tried it before. However, I am not too sure why as this smells similar to the Magic Wand of which I love! This is also a bubble bar which will create heaps of bubbles which will smell divine! This bubble bar also has some sparkle about it which will leave the bath shimmering slightly, making it even more festive. I cannot wait to try this as well. 

Moving away from Christmas, we now come on to things we are available to buy all year round! Yippee! 
Firstly, I picked up the American Cream hair conditioner.
This is a little luxury for me in the shower and I pick it up nearly every time I go into Lush. This bottle is the smallest size but it comes in 2 larger sizes. I love the smell of this and love the way it leaves my hair feeling nourished but not too heavy or lifeless. This is scented like a strawberry milkshake, but also includes vanilla, orange, lavender oil, sage oil and fresh strawberries. The smell is unusual but smells luxurious too. I always buy the smallest bottle as I like to see it as something special and therefore I do not use it very time I wash my hair.

Finally, I bought the Comforter Shower Cream.
I am a massive fan of the comforter bubble bar which smells incredible, so when I discovered that there was a shower cream- you can imagine my excitement! I put this in my basket straight away without hesitation as I knew I would like it. This smells of sweet and fruity blackberry which is powerful but calming as well. I have used the bubble bar in both the morning and the evenings so it is a great scent for any time of the day. The shower creams as supposed to the shower gels are supposed to be a bit more nourishing and cleansing. I have used this once and I really liked the experience. The smell is amazing although it doesn't lather up as much as a shower gel. I don't mind though as the smell is enough for me!

So that sums up what I bought from my most recent visit to my local Lush store. I would highly recommend you paying a visit as I think that you won't be disappointed! Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of your weekend! : )

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