Saturday 22 August 2015

My Packing Tips

In today's post I will be sharing my tips for packing. I'm not a traveller myself but these tips have helped me when I've been packing for a trip.

Tip No. 1- Make a List:
 I have always done this on any trip I have taken. I start to write my list a week before hand so that I can jot down anything that comes to mind. This also ensures that you remember all the things that could be forgotten that aren't as obvious to pack. Take your list on your trip too as when you are packing to come home you can check your list as well to make sure nothing is left behind. 

 Tip No. 2- Make Your Suitcase Unique:
This tip is really simple to do and will help you when you are at the airport. Collecting your bag at your destination can be a bit daunting as you nervously wait for your bag to appear. Making your luggage unique and easy to spot amongst all the other bags will make the whole process a bit less stressful. On my suitcase, I have a brightly coloured luggage tag but other ideas include wrapping the handle with brightly coloured tape or even putting your initial on the front of the bag. This way your bag will not be mistaken for anybody else's and will make it back to you swiftly. 

Tip No. 3- To Roll or Fold?
On every trip I have been on I have always folded my clothes but recently I have learnt that rolling clothes can reduce creasing. However, when I tried it out I found that actually folding your clothes takes up less space despite the creasing. Whereas, rolling takes up more space but leaves your clothes crease-free! Roll or fold? I shall stick to folding but rolling may be a good idea if you are taking clothes which can crease easily.

Tip No. 4- Necklaces in Straws:
This is probably my favourite tip of all. I learnt this a couple of years ago and it has changed everything! Instead of putting all of your necklaces in one place and hoping that they won't get tangled (but we know they will!), try putting them into straws separately. This miraculous tip means that the necklaces stay un-tangled and can easily be separated to be worn. Genius!

Tip No. 5- Take a Carrier Bag:
Nobody wants their dirty clothes to be mixed with their clean clothes. By taking a carrier bag with you, the dirty clothes are kept away from the clean clothes. This also makes it easy to sort out when you get home and have to unpack your suitcase.

Tip No. 6- Heavy Things at the Bottom:
When you are packing with your suitcase lying on the floor in front of you, it is easy to forget that everything will be on its side when you pull your suitcase through the airport. Therefore, it is a good idea to place all of your heavier items at the bottom of your suitcase. This means that any of your other belongings won't get squashed and damaged. I have placed my rather large and heavy wash bag at the bottom of my suitcase.

Tip No. 7- Pack in Order:
Another tip would be to pack your suitcase in order of when you will need certain items. For example, if you are arriving at your destination late at night, it would be a good idea to pack your pyjamas last so that you don't have to rummage through your entire suitcase before you can go to bed.

Tip No. 8- Socks in Shoes:
This is a clever way of saving space but also keeping your shoes in a good condition. Placing balled up socks into shoes will keep your shoes' shape and will also save space.

Tip No. 9- Just in Case:
It is a worst case scenario that your luggage will go missing at the airport, but by packing extra clothes in your hand luggage, you will never come to the point where you don't have any clean clothes. This tip ensures that you can survive without your luggage for that little bit longer.

Tip No. 10- Miniatures:
Packing miniatures of everything is not only a good tip for saving space but is also great because everything is so cute, and also when else can you buy little bottles to hold your shampoo? Unless you're going away for a long period of time, you're not going to need a full size bottle of shower gel or shampoo so miniatures are the way! (in my opinion!) My mini bottles are from Primark so were ridiculously affordable and also came in a handy clear pouch to keep them all together and to prevent them from leaking all over my luggage. I also like to take away any samples I have on holiday with me, as they are also small and easy to pack.

 And that is all I have to share about my packing tips! I hope you liked today's post and don't forget to comment below any of your tips or anything you would like to see on this blog! :)

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