Saturday 8 August 2015

What's In My Beach Bag?

You can't not go to the beach at least once during the summer, so today I thought I would share what I like to take to the beach with me.

When I was little I used to take as much as I could to the beach much to the disappointment of my parents who ended up carrying most of it! I used to think I would need to take every possible game that we had in our garden shed- tennis, badminton, Frisbee, swingball and buckets and spades obviously.

But I suppose when you are little you just never want to be bored and are therefore playing all the time but now as I get older, I prefer to relax on the beach and am more minimalist with my belongings. Although don't get me wrong- I love a good game of tennis!

When the sun's out, the sunglasses go on. Mine are from New Look a few years ago but they are just a plain black frame and have nothing fancy or special about them but they do their job. 

My phone also comes with me too, however I don't tend to really use it but I can't not bring it with me! I have a Sony Xperia M2 and I like it but will be getting a new one when my contract runs out as it's not amazing!  

I sometimes also like to take a book but generally I just like to look around me, chat to my family or listen to the sea. Recently I have been reading Paper Towns by John Green and now I am enjoying it. Before it was a bit 'meh' and I didn't get the hype but I have been forcing myself to read it and am actually quite enjoying it.

You can't go the beach without suncream! I brought both my face sun cream, my body sun cream and my lip balm too. I put them in this clear case which I found handy as it kept them all together so I didn't have to scramble through my bag to find them. 
My new face sun cream is the Boots Soltan Sensitive Face Hypoallergenic Suncare Cream and a review will be coming soon!

I also brought my flip flops which are good when coming out of the sea or going back to the car. Mine are from Primark but are a few years old. 

My beach bag is also from Primark and cost a couple of pounds so was very inexpensive plus it has had multiple uses.

My final belonging to take to the beach is my camera as I love to take pictures! I use a camera which may be surprising to some but it takes really great pictures- I think. A post on my camera will also be coming soon! 

And that's all I normally take! Not a Frisbee in sight! 
What's in your beach bag? Any essentials?
Let me know by leaving a comment below! :)

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