Saturday 1 August 2015

July into August

As July has now been and gone, I thought that I would take this time to reflect and also share with you some of the best bits but also share my plans for the upcoming month.

This July has seen some hot weather! But it went far too quickly and before you know it we are back to the good old 'British Summer' which involves some rain but mostly cloud! The weather hasn't been that dampening though as I have still enjoyed every day, as this month was the month which I couldn't believe I would get the whole of it off from school! After finishing my exams- study leave began! As the longest break I've ever had from school- it's going well!

July saw 3 birthdays, all of which were fantastic! The first was my friend's who luckily had the weather on her side for an outdoor party, followed by my dad's which went really well and tested my skills on keeping a secret! Recently I also celebrated my mum's birthday. Another meal out was enjoyed but without any surprises this time!

I also became £50 richer this July after taking part in a local competition! That money has now well and truly gone though as a rather large shopping trip also happened this month!

This month also saw the beginning of this blog! So far I am proud of how it looks and also am astonished that people have actually looked at this small part of the internet from all across the world!

I have seen my friends this month but also have seen some thunderstorms and the best lightning I have ever seen! These storms also gave spectacular sunsets too!

July saw me bake more than my usual self. I have baked some quick scones which quickly disappeared from the cupboards and a pear and frangipane tart which took a little longer to eat as I was the only one who liked it!

As August arrives, I hope the weather will improve as this month will see me take my summer holiday to Jersey. Having not been there before, I am super excited and cannot wait for the holiday vibes and hopefully the sunny weather- fingers crossed!

August will also see the dreaded results day! I am not nervous about the envelope yet but I'm sure that'll all change the night before when I'm sure I'll be more nervous than I can imagine!

During this month, I hope to bake more but also plan to make more. I have lots of sewing patterns upstairs in a drawer waiting to be made. By the end of the month I want to have made them all- (maybe a bit too brave!) These patterns include a kaftan, a skirt, a skort and also a top which has already had one attempt!

And finally, how could I not mention it! The Great British Bake Off kicks off again on the 5th August! I can't wait for it and hope there's lots of bake-off tent drama!

So now all we can do is wait to see what August brings! Enjoy yours! :)

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