Monday 24 August 2015

Recent Reads

In today's post I thought that I would share with you what books I have been reading recently.

 As you may know from previous posts, I was reading 'Paper Towns' by John Green for quite a while. It took me longer than I thought to read it but in the end I finished it after forcing myself to read it daily.
In my opinion the book definitely reaches its best towards the end. I found that the pace quickened a lot during the last few chapters compared to the first. I think that this is the reason it took me so long to read it. 
However, saying that I did enjoy the book but only because the pace quickened towards the end.
The book is now also a film directed by Jake Schreier, starring Nat Wolff and Cara
Delevingne. I would like to see the film to see how it compares to the book, but also to see how Cara acts and portrays the character of Margo.

Moving on to what I am reading now, which I am enjoying more than 'Paper Towns'
After finishing John Green's novel I moved straight on to 'Nightingales on Call' and I really like it so far. I have only read a few chapters but am finding myself reading more in one sitting than I did with 'Paper Towns'. I never would of normally picked this up myself but my Nana gave it to me as she thought I would like it. This is not a complicated read, so far. I found 'Paper Towns' to be a bit confusing sometimes and hard to keep up with. 
'Nightingales on Call' is part of a series written by Donna Douglas and all the books focus on young nurses in the 1930's. 
This book is longer than 'Paper Towns' but I can see myself finishing it quicker.

I may be purchasing a new book soon as I have some vouchers to spend. 
Any recommendations? Leave them below! :)

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