Saturday 15 August 2015

The Best Breakfast

Bit of a different post today but I thought I would share with you my favourite breakfast at the moment!

Finally I have found a cereal I like! Or should I say love. This granola is great paired with traditional milk or jazzed up by adding some fruit and yoghurt like I did today.

The star of the show is Jordan's Super Nutty Granola. It is so yummy and really fills me up so that I can last until my mid-morning snack! I sometimes like to pair this cereal with yoghurt- today I used the Activia Strawberry yoghurt which has chunks of strawberry in it as well.
Finally, I like to add some fresh fuit to give the breakfast a refreshing taste. Today I used half an apple but I also will use raspberries sometimes or strawberries (or both!) 

So yeah, that's my favourite breakfast at the moment! 
It doesn't look very appetising but trust me it's yummy! :)

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