Saturday 10 December 2016

Little Update!

So I know it's been a while since I have been present on this blog and I thought I would give you a little update as to reasons why. Recently, I have applied to universities who have all asked for separate portfolios and this takes a long time to complete. That is the main reason for my absence and I don't want to list any more excuses! However, my university interviews are very important to me and I don't want to sacrifice that for uploading posts weekly. The good news is that I will be posting regularly soon as I have a few festive posts that I will start creating once all my interviews are over!
I hope you will understand and I'll see you all soon with a festive post!

Sunday 20 November 2016

Lipstick Love Take Two!

So if you have been a reader of my blog for a while now, you may have recognised the title of this post as being similar to one I did earlier on in the year. Well, I have now fallen in love with another lipstick and to be honest I think this one is a whole lot better! 

Saturday 12 November 2016

Magic Mascara!

So in this week's post I thought we would bring it back to basics and talk about an obvious, yet miraculous, part of nearly everyone's make up bag- mascara! This past week I have re-discovered a mascara I put away nearly a year ago and now I am a huge fan!

Saturday 5 November 2016

End of the Year Plans

So as we head into the second last month of the year, I thought it would be fun to share with you 5 things I have coming up in the next few months before 2017 arrives.

Sunday 23 October 2016

My Current Non-Beauty Favourites

So in this week's post I thought I would share with you all the non-beauty favoruites I have been enjoying this month including a few foodie favourites and fashion too! 

Saturday 15 October 2016

My 5 Minute (ish) Autumn Make-Up!

Hello, and welcome back! In this week's post I thought it would be fun to share with you how I have been doing my make-up in the last week as I have really enjoyed wearing it.

Saturday 8 October 2016

5 Things I Love About Autumn!

 So as Autumn has certainly made its arrival, I thought I would share with you some of the things I love about this season.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Shower Hour!

 So one of my favourite times of the week is, what I have recently named, my 'Shower Hour'. This is my time of the week which I can take my time and just have a mini-pamper session. It happens on a Sunday when there is nothing on telly, which provides the perfect time to wash my hair! Keep reading if you want to know what I do in this precious hour!

Saturday 24 September 2016

Top 5 TV Shows I'm Loving!

 TV has just been so darn good recently so I thought I would share with you some of my favourites. It doesn't get better than this in my opinion!

Saturday 17 September 2016

My Sewing Story!

So in this week's post, I thought I would share with you some of my sewing projects I have completed in my lifetime from my first to my favourite! This month is actually National Sewing Month which inspired this post!

Saturday 10 September 2016

Super Sponge!

This month it was about time I bought myself a new make up sponge as my old one was starting to look a bit deformed. My mum bought this one for me by chance and I couldn't be happier with it so here's a few reasons why.

Sunday 4 September 2016

Primark Haul Autumn 2016

A couple of days I visited my favourite shop- Primark! I picked up quite a few things which I thought I would share with you in this week's post.

Sunday 21 August 2016

August Favourites

So I know that it's a pretty sad thing to think about, but August is coming to an end which means so is summer. However, in this week's post I thought I would share with you all what I have been loving this month. 

Saturday 13 August 2016

4 New Things in my Wardrobe

 Hello everyone, so in this week's post I thought it would be fun to share with you 4 new things which have made it into my wardrobe. These have all been bought on separate occasions and were all bought within the last month-ish! Enjoy!

Tuesday 9 August 2016

July into August

 Sorry about the delay to this post but I have been unable to find time to write it recently, but I'm here now so I hope you enjoy this 'Moving Months' post where I look back on the month of July and look forward to August which has already began.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Our Little Trip to Edinburgh

 To celebrate my Mum turning 50, this year, we planned a surprise trip for her to Edinburgh for an overnight stay. I was pretty excited too, as I hadn't been there in ages and couldn't remember much of it at all! In this week's post I thought it would be nice to share my trip with lots of pictures too!

Saturday 23 July 2016

The Battle of the BB Creams!

Recently, I decided to try a new BB cream just to see what it was like, so in this week's post I thought I would compare the two to see which one is my BB Cream champion!

Saturday 16 July 2016

Happy 1st Birthday To Me!

 So my blog turned one on Monday!! I can't quite believe it, it feels only yesterday that I dived into the deep end and pressed the publish button with no idea what would happen next.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Guest at Graduation

So Thursday 7th July was a very special and proud day for our family as we watched my older sister graduate with a second class honours degree! The day was lovely and it was definitely a day of memories.

Saturday 2 July 2016

June into July

 So I was planning to do a monthly favourites post this week, but I thought that I had more to chat about this month as opposed to talking about some products.

Saturday 25 June 2016

Dressing Table Tour

So this week's post is a little bit of a different one, but today I will be giving you a little tour of my dressing table. I hope you enjoy it and let me know if you enjoyed this style of post.

Saturday 18 June 2016

Empty Products Spring 2016

So in this week's post, after my long absence, which I am truly sorry for, I thought I would share with you what products have been and gone in the last couple of weeks. 

Saturday 7 May 2016

Summer 2016 WishList

So today's post is another chatty one but this time I wanted to share with you my wishlist for the upcoming summer of 2016.

Saturday 30 April 2016

April Into May

So this month has flown by at ridiculous speed but as we approach the end, I thought it would be nice to look back and see what I have done this month.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Spring Make-up Mix-ups

The past few days here in the UK, have been so sunny and lovely that I thought it only right for me to talk about something Spring related and what other than how my make-up has been mixing up.

Sunday 17 April 2016

Chocolate Love!

This palette was definitely an impulse and spur-of-the-moment purchase but I am so happy with it though and here's a few reasons why.

Saturday 9 April 2016

My Current Skincare

This week's post sees me talk about the subject of my skincare and all the products I like to use throughout the whole year. 

Saturday 2 April 2016

March Favourites

In this week's post, as April is now upon us, I thought it only right to share with you what I have been loving throughout the month of March!

Saturday 26 March 2016

Revision Tips!

 So in today's post I thought I would talk about the horrible topic that is revision! It's that time of the year now where exams are creeping up and we have to start preparing ourselves for them- physically and mentally! Here are a few of my tips which help me to see this bore through.

Sunday 20 March 2016

Easter Bakes!

Hello, so although this week's post comes to you a little late- hopefully it'll be worth the wait! Here are 2 recipes which you can try over Easter and they are definitely yummy!

Saturday 12 March 2016

Get Ready With Me: Family Meal Out

Last week I went for a meal for Mother's Day and I thought it would be fun to show you how I get ready. Enjoy!

Saturday 5 March 2016

Lipstick Love!

Today's post features a lipstick which I have worn non-stop this week! I am a big fan and I thought it would be a good idea to show you as well!

Saturday 27 February 2016

Shoes for Spring

So it only seemed right in my mind, to follow up last week's post with a haul of some sort as new season = new purchases right? So I thought I would share with you the shoes I have recently added to my wardrobe for the upcoming season and beyond!

Saturday 20 February 2016

Most Worn- Winter 2015/16

As winter draws to a close I thought I would share with you what I have been wearing the most during this season and why.

Saturday 13 February 2016

'The Glam Guide' By Fleur De Force

This week's post sees me focus on a book which I have been hooked on ever since I got it. This is 'The Glam Guide' by Fleur De Force and here's why I think you should give it a read!

Saturday 6 February 2016

January Favourites

So as 2016's first official post, I thought what better way to start than with a few of the things I have been loving in the month of January!

Saturday 30 January 2016

Long Time No See...
 Hello again, so in today's post I thought I would give you a little update of what has been happening as I have been away for a little while now! I'm very sorry but hopefully this post will be the first of many to come in 2016!